Thursday, January 13, 2011


“Besides, nothing is falling apart,” I say, fully aware how risky it is to say things like that out loud. “That I know of.”
- Origin, Diana Abu-Jaber


Pliny The Dreamer said...

That I know of...

I know you've told me it's a dark and empty kind of book--an inevitbale train wreck waiting to happen, sort of thing--but the picture... ok, now I don't think I want to read it. The only winter book I like is Deerskin, and that ends happy--it's Robin McKinley, after all

Violet said...

It is most certaintly NOT a trainwreck sort of book. It is very winter-ish and sad, but ultimately lovely and wonderful. You must read it. Capsice?

Pliny The Dreamer said...

*Little voice* ok