Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Tourist

"When did you start smoking?"
"I'm in the midst of quitting."
She tapped one out for him, but before handing it over said, "Is it the drugs that do it to you? Or the job?"
"Do what?"
"Maybe it's all the names." She handed over the cigarette. "Maybe that's what's made you so cold. When you were Milo, you were a different person."
He blinked at her, thinking, but no reply came to him.

- The Tourist, Olen Steinhauer


Pliny The Dreamer said...

Is this good?
Not that I NEED anymore books... damn, forgot to stop at the university library after my exam... Monday, I'am coming for you

Violet said...

So far, it is very good. My kind of thriller--one with a rather screwed up main character. And Lee Child vouches for it, so there's that.