Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Hodge Podge Kind of Life

“The prospect of a proper tea had fetched the privy councillors out in greater numbers than had been anticipated: dinner would have been a chore whereas tea was a treat. There was such a crowd that chairs were in short supply, and there was a lot of running to and fro by the staff in order to get everybody seated, though this turned out to be part of the fun. Some were seated on the usual gilt party chairs, but others found themselves ensconced on a priceless Louis the XV bergere or a monogrammed hall chair brought in from the vestibule, with one former lord chancellor ending up perched on a little cork-topped stool brought down from a bathroom.”
- The Uncommon Reader, Alan Bennett


Pliny The Dreamer said...

How lovely and quaint. There is something altogether delightful about mismatched chairs

Violet said...

An mismatched cutlery. Bedding too, but then I suspect that there are a great many more things that become more delightful when unmatched.