Saturday, August 15, 2009


EMILY: It’s your head, Detective. Just stop thinking about me.
RAINES: If you haven’t noticed I don’t exactly have complete control over my delightful imagination.
EMILY: You should talk to someone about that.
RAINES: Yeah, thanks.
- Raines, S01E06, “Inner Child”

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Humming of Bees

"When you do things like that, when you stand there and shut your mind until all you can hear is the humming of bees, people think you don’t have any feelings. They think what they see is what you feel deep inside.”
- Alice Hoffman, Blue Diary

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mad Butler

“I automatically started thinking about what I’d do if I had to prove I was sane. I’d like to think that just being my regular sane self would be evidence enough, but I’d probably behave in such an overly polite and competent manner that I’d come across like a mad butler with panic in his eyes. Plus it turns out that when I’m placed in an insane situation, I tend to get crazier.”
- Jon Ronson, This American Life podcast,Pro Se: Act One “Psychobabble”

Friday, August 7, 2009

At Home With Pliney and Violet

Pliney: (Watching Violet spoon boiling water out of an over-full pot of potatoes) Are we not set up for housekeeping?
Violet: We are... we just blunder sometimes.

Rotting carcass on rug - put in tub.

Freezer left open - check the meat. (ALL of it.)

Left breakfast on roof of car - go back for the pieces.

Tornado results in loss of power - buy ice.

Violet: What time are you guys thinking of coming back home?
Father: Oh in about twenty minutes.
Violet: (Silence. Hangs up phone)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Shadow Pool

"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."
- Francois de la Rochefoucauld
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