Saturday, December 20, 2008


Violet has been grudgingly been getting into the Christmas spirit. Also, the winter has taken away her curiosity.

I will return shortly. I am trying to do things that keep me happy in this bleak winter light, such as reading new books, revelling in the two unexpected days of shortsleeve weather, drinking tea, and trying not to lose my mind over making last-minute stockings (?!) for Christmas. Christmas, which happens to not be "the most wonderful time of the year," as it turns out. I've always felt that way, but this is the first year I am being openly Scrooge-like. I'll try to return to my normal self when it's all over and done with.
Until then...


Pliny The Dreamer said...

Well, Pliny seems to be bathing in cynicism and bitterness, so you're not alone

Pliny The Dreamer said...

P.S. Since I've returned this book to the library long ago, you really should read this: